Ethics Questions

Ethics Questions


When dealing with these questions, try to apply the 4 pillars of ethics:

  • Autonomy— Does it show respect for the patient and their right to make decisions?
  • Non-maleficence— Does it harm the patient?
  • Justice— Are there consequences in the wider community?
  • Beneficence— Does it benefit the patient?


1. A patient refuses treatment for a life-threatening condition. Discuss the ethical issues involved.


2. What do you understand about euthanasia? Does euthanasia have a place in modern medicine?


3. Do you agree with abortion? What are the ethical issues here?


4. A 14 year old patient goes to the GP and asks for the oral contraceptive pill. Discuss the ethical issues involved.


5. A patient diagnosed with HIV reveals to their GP they have not disclosed this information to their partner. Discuss the ethical issues involved.


6. You are a medical student at this School. One day in the teaching hospital, you see one of your fellow students putting medical equipment from the stock room into their bag. When you ask them about it, they say they only want to practise their clinical skills and not to tell anyone. What would you do?


7. Organ donation should be an opt-out system rather than an opt-in system in this country. Do you agree or disagree?


8. What does ‘patient confidentiality’ mean? When would it be appropriate to breach this?


9. A 13 year old patient reveals to you that they are sexually active and that their parents do not know. What would you do as a doctor in this the situation?


10. A depressed patient who has refused treatment has mentioned having suicidal thoughts and you are concerned about his well-being. Discuss the ethical issues involved.


11. Do you think the NHS should fund treatment for smokers?


12. Is it ever ethically acceptable for NHS doctors to go on strike?


13. What would you do if you saw a colleague making a mistake with a patient’s medication?


14. You are a GP, and your patient confides in you that they are regularly using illicit drugs. What should you do?

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