Prepare for the MMI?

Preparing for a Multi Mini Interviews (MMI Dubai)


Online MMI Preparation Course Dubai Abu Dhabi Sharjah UAE

MMI Preparation Dubai for UK Med Colleges


The medical interview can test you on the whole of your application, so the key is preparation. This includes knowing your extra-curricular activities well, being able to talk about your work experience and what you learned from it, and practising common questions before your interview, along with trying mock interviews. The questions you are likely to be asked can be divided into the following categories:


  • Extra-curricular activities: know the activities that you listed in your application well, including any organisational details, as interviewers not only want to see that you have an in-depth knowledge of what you did, but also how it relates to you becoming a good doctor.
  • Work experience: know what you did, what you saw, who you shadowed and what you learned. They may ask whether your work experience has changed your insight into medicine, or what qualities you saw being displayed.
  • Reference: knowing what details your reference contains will prepare you for questions about it.
  • Medical school-specific questions: some schools will ask you why you chose them, so you will have to think and prepare answers for why you were attracted to that particular school (it may be course structure, location, research or extra-curricular activities, for instance).
  • Medical profession: you may be asked a question about a recent discussion about anything topical or newsworthy. Examples include the junior doctor strikes and the current state of the NHS. Interviewers may ask for your opinion on the qualities of a good doctor.
  • Personal attributes: you may be asked to list examples of how you have demonstrated teamwork, communication skills or empathy.


How Can I Prepare for an MMI Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Sharjah ?


Candidates typically exhibit anxiety in anticipation of challenging questions that may arise. Many people have difficulty formulating logical, cohesive, polished answers within the allotted preparation time prior to the start of each station.

How well you perform during the actual interview and whether you will ultimately succeed in gaining admission to medical school (or another healthcare profession) is in large measure linked to the preparation you do in advance. The most effective strategy to prepare for an MMI is to anticipate the types of questions/scenarios you will face and to practice your answers.


Tips for MMI Self Preparation 


Understand the goal:  You should aim to answer the questions in a manner that demonstrates that you are capable of being an excellent student and thereafter, an outstanding professional (e.g., physician, veterinarian, nurse, etc.). Make a list of the attributes that you believe are essential for success, such as integrity and the ability to think critically. Practice integrating these key attributes into your answers.


Work on time management:


Many students experience difficulty with pacing and effectively answering the question in the allotted time. Remember that once the bell has sounded, the interview must end immediately even if the candidate is not finished. Therefore, proper pacing is essential. Practice 7 to 8 minute presentations in advance of your interview to get comfortable with timing. Ensure that you wear a watch that clearly displays the time (e.g. a digital watch) on the interview day, since you cannot rely on a clock being present in each interview room. Appropriately managing your time will give you the opportunity to end the interview in an organized and effective manner.


Listen carefully:


During the MMI, the interviewer will often provide prompts designed to direct you. Listen carefully to the cues provided so you can take advantage of any new information that may be introduced. The prompts may guide you to the specific issues that are the focus of each rotation.

Although success cannot be guaranteed, your performance can improve significantly by learning about the interview process, acquiring strategies to avoid the common pitfalls, and knowing ways to sell yourself so that you get the place that you deserve. Poise under pressure can make the difference between achieving your goals and falling just short. As you get ready for the big day, mock interviews should be a key part of your preparations. Simulating what you are about to experience will help build confidence, allowing you to remain calm and more organized on the interview day.






  • Why do you want to be a doctor?
  • What does being a doctor mean to you?
  • What do you think are the most difficult challenges of being a doctor?
  • Why not a nurse/dietician/another healthcare professional?
  • What is your motivation to study medicine?
  • Why do you think you will be a good doctor?
  • Has anyone tried to put you off medicine?
  • In your opinion what are the most important qualities of a doctor?
  • How will you cope with the busy workload and out of hours work as a doctor?
  • What do you think will be your greatest challenge in completing medical school or learning how to be a doctor?


  • What work experience/volunteering work have you done?
  • What have your experiences taught you about a career in medicine?
  • What did you learn about yourself by volunteering?
  • How were you affected by this experience?
  • How did you arrange this work experience?
  • Were there any parts of your medical work experience that you didn’t enjoy?
  • What have you gained from your work experience/hobbies/community work?


  • How do you deal with stressful situations?
  • Tell me about a time when you were under pressure/had multiple deadlines?
  • How do you prioritise when you have a lot going on?


Much of your communication skills are based on your answers to other questions, however, you should also consider the following questions:

  • Tell me about a time you demonstrated teamwork.
  • Tell me about a time that you demonstrated leadership.
  • What makes you a good team member/leader?
  • In your opinion what makes a good leader?
  • Have you ever disagreed with another student/teacher?
  • And if so how did you deal with the situation?
  • Why is teamwork important in medicine?

MMI Dubai


  • Can you tell me about a medically related book or article that you have read recently? (this often leads to further questions about the topic)
  • What is your opinion on abortions?
  • What current medical ethical issues have you come across recently?
  • Should cannabis be legalised?
  • Were the junior doctors right to strike?
  • What is your opinion on the recent Charlie Gard case?
  • What has been the most important development in the healthcare system recently?
  • Should the NHS be privatised?
  • What do you consider are the two biggest problems the NHS will face in the next 20 years?


  • What does empathy mean to you?
  • What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?
  • How would you deal with an angry patient or relative?
  • What would you do if you’d realised you’d made a mistake?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you’ve had to support a family member or a friend?
  • Tell me about a time that you failed.
  • What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?


  • What extracurricular activities do you take part in?
  • And how do these help you to be a better doctor?
  • How will you contribute to life at this university?
  • What are your hobbies and interests outside of school?


  • What is your impression of this university from our open days?
  • Why do you feel you would fit in well at this university?
  • Why did you choose this university?


  • Tell me about a significant achievement in your life
  • Can you give me an example of a time when you took on extra responsibility?
  • What motivates and drives you?
  • How will you cope with the heavy workload at medical school?

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